Notice of Website Renewal

We have been providing solutions mainly in the areas of web production and web development, and have renewed our website based on our new vision of “Growin’ Tech (using technology as a catalyst to promote innovative corporate growth)”.

We will continue to provide services that meet the needs of our clients from business strategy formulation to product development and subsequent business scale.

We look forward to your continued support.

【Free of charge】Conducted Generation Z Marketing Seminar

A marketing seminar specifically for Generation Z will be held online on Wednesday, 5/31 from 1:00-2:00 pm.

It is free to attend and is a great opportunity to get effective marketing strategies and keys to success for Generation Z.

Gen Z is a key consumer segment today, and understanding their purchasing behavior and communication styles is essential to gaining a competitive edge. This seminar will provide an in-depth look at the characteristics, preferences, and needs of Generation Z and provide information to help you build your marketing strategy.

For more information and registration, click here:







当社ではこれまで主に、Web制作およびWeb開発領域でのソリューション提供をしてきましたが、新たに掲げた「Growin’ Tech(テクノロジーを起爆剤として企業の革新的成長を促す)」というビジョンのもと、Webサイトのリニューアルを行いました。

